A cool paper on mapping behavioral trait in sticklebacks
Shooling QTLs overlap lateral line QTLs. Validation or bummer?
Antihistamines are used to treat allergies, right?
One could use this fantastic paper to illustrate the power of genome-based medical discoveries, or to remind of potential side effects of drugs.
Now on to entertainment. Scientists going at each other MMA style #3: genetcists:
Dim the lights and read this romantic article about grad school:
Bait-and-switch selfie?
The good thing is, grad school is not forever:
An absolute must-read for those of you thinking about grad school.
So there are too many PhDs for the job market. The NIH solution: better mentoring and minority participation.
And now on to classical tragicomedy. Here is a multiple choice question: what should you do when you get a C+?
A. Celebrate
B. Forget about it
C. Feel ashamed
D. Sue the professor
Associated Press could have mentioned that said student's other grades must have been "less than stellar" if a C+ put her under minimum GPA. But that's not the tragedy. The fact that the person who thought (and still thinks) that way was one B- away from being YOUR genetic counselor is.
Happy Thanksgiving, and remember what happens when you share your turkey with the wrong people :-)